An Introduction to the Sustainability Tool

What is the Tool?

The Sustainability Tool is a cloud-based sustainability performance reporting system, which has been specifically designed to be used for supply chain management. It enables you to collect, report & analyse social & environmental sustainability performance using smart dashboards at project, business unit and corporate levels.


Who uses it?

The Tool is built for those who are interested in better understanding how they are performing against key sustainability targets, with a strength in mapping this for supply-chains. Users of the tool will include:

  • Clients

  • Tier 1 Contractors

  • Sub-contractors

  • Specialist designers

  • Suppliers and more

General guidance

Getting Started

Users will receive an email inviting them to join a company account on the Sustainability Tool. They should follow the simple steps outlined in the email, which includes opening a web link (, entering their contact details and then creating a password for their account.

Once registered, users are able to access their account by going to, clicking the ‘sign in’ button in the top right-hand side of the page, and entering their newly set sign-in details.

Key features

Some of the key features that all users should familiarise themselves with when starting out using the Tool are listed below. These have been grouped by type:

Measuring Performance

  • Metrics: Quantifiable measures that are used to track and assess performance against sustainability issues.

  • Indicators: Gauges used to assess performance against measured sustainability issues.

  • Targets & Thresholds: Targets and thresholds benchmark performance for your project against your reporting indicators. These inform the Red, Amber, Green ratings seen on a project’s sustainability and issue tiles.

  • Conversion Factors: Used within the Tool to enable the calculation of a metric from sub-metrics in a different unit e.g. ‘scope 3 carbon emissions’ in CO2e from the sub-metric ‘non-hazardous waste’ in tonnes.

Viewing Performance

  • Dashboards: Dashboards visualise performance data inputted into the Sustainability Tool. Dashboards are available at each structural level within a company project, allowing Users to see different aggregations of performance.

  • Sustainability Tiles: Each tile relates to a specific sustainability issue being tracked within a company project. Each is RAG rated in line with the performance against indicators feeding into each issue (e.g. air quality, community, employees)

  • Indicator Tiles: Indicator tiles visualise your performance against a particular indicator. Each is RAG rated to denote performance against defined targets and thresholds within the company project (e.g. % of total plant on site that is ‘clean’, Number of access and engagement initiatives)

  • Performance Graphs: Graphically visualises the cumulative performance of a company project a specific indicator they are measuring / being measured against over a 6-month period.

  • Performance Tables: Show the reported numerical data being used to measure performance against targeted indicators within the Sustainability Tool for a company project.

  • Reports Submitted: A landing page showing a comprehensive list of all the reports submitted within a reporting package. Users can view individual reports to see the specific data entered.

Key functionality

Some of the key functions/actions that all users should familiarise themselves with when starting out using the Tool are listed below. These have been grouped by type:

Reporting Performance

  • Reports Due: A landing page that shows Users a complete list of the metrics that they are required to report for that reporting period (inc. units and frequency of reporting)

  • Document Upload: Allows Users to upload documents to complement the data they input against a metric (e.g. waste transfer notes)

  • API: A software intermediary system that allows Users to pull data for reporting into the Sustainability Tool from existing external systems (e.g. Environmental Management Systems).