API Documentation

The Sustainability Tool has an extensive API that allows you to:

  • Access all features of the tool programatically

  • Integrate the tool with other business tools and workflows

  • Automate reporting into the tool from other systems or IoT devices


The complete OpenAPI documentation may be accessed here in Swagger and Redoc respectively:

Note also that the API documentation is interactive and requests may be made through the Swagger documentation or directly at the API endpoints if viewed using HTTP methods such as a typical endpoint here: https://uk.sustainabilitytool.com/api/project/

Note: In order to interactively use the API then please ensure that you login to the Swagger documentation page first to obtain a cookie which you may then use to access full documentation on Redoc or make use of the interactive API endpoints. The interactive API uses a cookie-based authentication that is different from the authentication of the main website - so logging in to the main site will not work.

Example Jupyter Notebook

An example Jupyter (Python) Notebook outlining an example scenario for reporting into the tool programatically may be downloaded here: