
The role of a data viewer

A data viewer is a user within the main company who wishes to see the dashboard and performance against targets. This will likely be an individual within the main company who is not involved with sustainability performance reporting, but who wants to see project performance, such as a director.

Data viewers will not have access to submitted reporting packages and will not be able to edit any business units, projects, reporting packages, metrics or indicators. They will only be able to view the submitted and approved data, in the form of project dashboards and performance data against targets.

Getting setup

See reporting user section for guidance

Viewing project members

  1. Make sure you are at project level or higher using the left-hand navigation menu.

  2. In the top menu, select the drop down menu titled ‘project’ or ‘company’ dependent on the level you are at.

  3. Select the ‘members’ option from this drop down menu.

Add reporter

Go to your project dashboard by clicking on the relevant project in the left-hand menu.

In the Project menu, select ‘Members’

In the members section, click ‘Send Invite’

Enter the user’s email address and select the relevant reporting package. Click ‘Submit’

Repeat steps 3 and 4 to submit new invitations

Viewing performance

Depending on your access rights, as set by the Owner/Admin account, Reporting Users will be able to see varying granularity of both their own and project data through their User Dashboard.


Simply put, dashboards visualise performance data. Within the tool, the following dashboards are available (with access rights set by the Owner/Admin account):

  • Reporting Package Dashboard: Visualises all the performance data reported within an individual Reporting Package.

  • Project Dashboard: Visualises a collated representation of all the reported performance data from the Reporting Packages that sit within a Project.

  • Corporate Dashboard: Visualises a collated representation of all the reported performance data from the Project Packages that sit within a Business Unit.

The dashboards all conform to a standard template, making it easier for users to compare data across multiple levels and reports. Key features include:

  • Indicator Panels: Users will be able to see all the Sustainability Issues that the project they are involved with is collecting data against. These Issues act as ‘libraries’ for indicators and metrics, with a single issue often having multiple different performance variables inputting to it. Performance against thresholds/targets for each issue are shown by the colour of the panel:

o Red = Performance Target was not met in the latest reporting period.

o Amber = Performance was within target threshold in the latest reporting period.

o Green = Performance target was exceeded for the latest reporting period.

By clicking on an issue panel, the user is then given a sub-set of indicator panels that sit within that issue. These again are formatted to show performance as per the above, giving the user a detailed breakdown as to how they are performing in specific performance areas.


Data is summarised on the dashboards within the Tool.

Please see the ‘viewing performance’ section in the ‘General Guidance’ chapter for details.